Sixteen of the state Senate’s seats are on this year’s ballot, including two open seats whose current occupants did not seek re-election. The Senate of the 86th Legislature stands adjourned sine die. For a list of upcoming committee hearings to be held at the Capitol and across the state, visit the Hearings and Events page.
The data for the on this site are reported by the Associated Press through the week of Nov. Presidential are updated as of Feb. Who is the US Senate? How many total Senate seats in the US Senate? What is an electoral map?
The presidential election, House elections, gubernatorial elections, and many state and local elections were held on the same date. Those elected to the U. The Upshot’s estimates of election include the parts of a state that have not yet reported their votes. Keep track of the live here. Dates highlighted in blue have one or more committee meetings scheduled. Apply Filter Clear Filter.
Select one or more years, states and race types, then. Come back to see who is projected to win this seat. The bill defines active duty to mean current full-time military service in the U. Individual Graduation Committees. Texas Education Code §28. United States Senate in other states and elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local.
For more election news, visit cnn. The appointive officials of the Party shall be the Finance Chairman, the Treasurer, the Parliamentarian,. The top two vote-getters — both Democrats — will face each other in the general election on Nov. Detailed Session List Roll call vote are compiled through the Senate Legislative Information System by the Senate bill clerk under the direction of the secretary of the Senate.

Delegate Pledging: Proportional Primary. Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary. GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT. Text of Conference Committee Report on House Bill No. Editor’s Note: House Bill No.
A total of Democrats, Republicans, and Liberal Republican have served or are serving as U. To claim control of the chamber from Republicans, the Democrats would have needed to net five Senate seats. COVID-- As recommended precautions continue to increase for COVID-1 the James E. Subject to nominee's commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sits with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell at the U. In a meeting of the Senate’s State Affairs committee, Mueller said the number of licenses issued increased each year over the decade.
At the start of that year, it. A majority of senators.
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