Monday, January 26, 2015

Tax filing last date

Free for Simple Tax Returns. Maximum Refund Guaranteed. Industry-Specific Deductions. Connect With A Live Tax CPA. Available Nights And Weekends.

File Your Tax es Without Leaving Home. How do I find out when I last filed a tax return? When is the last day to file your taxes? If the Service determines you to be affected by a presidentially declared disaster or a terroristic or military action, you may have up to one year after the due date of your return to file and pay taxes, depending on the deadline specified by the Service.

The IRS urges taxpayers who are owed a refund to file as quickly as possible. Find Out When Tax Extensions and Tax Amendments are Due. More states are starting to push back.

Important dates for Individuals. There are a number of dates during the year when returns are due to be filed or payments are due to be paid. Also, there are dates when we pay credits or benefits to you.

This page gives information about these important dates. For information on combat zone due dates , please refer to Publication Armed Forces Tax Guide. The income tax department notified the taxpayers for late filing of tax returns for A. For specific State Tax Return deadlines click on the State(s) below. Click here to find out more. Listed below are typical tax filing deadlines for each month, some may fall on a Holiday or Saturday or Sunday.

In that case it will be need to be. Access IRS Tax Forms. Get Tax Files on demand. Complete, Edit or Print Tax Forms Instantly. No Matter How Complicated Your U. Have a Dedicated Tax Pro File for You - Download EY Tax Chat and Call it a Year.

The official tax deadline to file your federal income tax return each year can be a little shifty.

Tax deadlines are moved to the next business day when they fall on a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday. The taxpayers filing their return beyond such due date will have to pay interest under 234A and penalty under section 234F. It is important for all the taxpayers to remember the due date of filing income tax returns.

Due Dates for filing Individual Tax Return. Your State Return is due on the date listed below. Easily file federal and state income tax returns with 1 accuracy to get your maximum tax refund guaranteed. Start for free today and join the millions who file with TurboTax.

When the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline to file and pay without penalty is extended to the next business day.

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