Monday, December 30, 2019

What did trump say about taxes

The tax returns of Donald Trump have been the subject of controversy for the past several years, particularly over their not having been made public despite his political career. During his presidential campaign, Trump first said he would release his returns after they were worked on. Then Trump claimed that, because the returns were being. But some of his recent statements have left people pretty confused about his real intentions.

There is, in fact, a federal tax law that specifically states if the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee makes a written request for an individual’s tax returns — as Rep.

Richard Neal has done seeking Trump’s — the Treasury secretary “shall furnish” those returns. I mean if they say I didn’t, I mean it doesn’t matter. I will say this, I hate the way our government spends our taxes because they are wasting our money. They don’t know what they’re doing.

They’re running it so poorly. Great for the middle class, great for the USA! Then he said he’d do it after an audit. Now he says the public doesn’t care.

Over the years, the president and members of his Administration have changed tactics several times on the question of whether he would follow a decades-old precedent and release his old tax returns. But the tax proposal his administration outlined in April would heavily benefit high-income taxpayers, and Trump hasn’t revealed any changes to it. He is the first major presidential candidate in more than years to withhold them — and the first to make it to the White House without that disclosure. He instead said that Democrats’ criticism of his administration’s response to it was a hoax. The disclosure forms do give wide estimates of asset value.

But tax returns would reveal much more. Payroll taxes is something we think about all the time and a lot of people would like that,” Trump said. He was responding to reports that the White House is in the early stages of internal discussions about a potential payroll tax cut as one of a number of possible measures to boost the economy. He has failed to keep that promise. Paula Rei Alan He, Grace Segers and Kathryn Watson contributed to this report.

First published on March 10. Trump quickly retorted: “That makes me smart. Later, when Clinton told Trump was that “maybe. Trump said one of the attractive features is that he could take the action unilaterally. Washington — Tax refunds will not be affected by the partial government shutdown, a top Trump administration official claimed in a briefing with reporters Monday.

The IRS confirmed later in the day it will begin to process tax returns for refunds on Jan. Trump said there were four different ways to get funding directly to Americans, and said that although he supported a payroll tax cut, he was looking at a better way to get funding to Americans faster.

Trump walked away from his Sunday comment that taxes on the wealthy would “go up” once his broad tax policy proposals, which include tax cuts for rich Americans, were negotiated with Congress. The law created new income tax brackets and resulted in changes to what many Americans pay in taxes. I understand the tax laws better than almost.

Below is a list of the many things about which Trump says he.

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