Friday, May 12, 2017

Opportunity fund tax reform

What investments are tax free? Why do you need an opportunity fund? These zones are designed to spur economic development and job creation in distressed communities throughout the country and U. Our business tax planning professionals and wealth advisors are immersed in the real estate field , the investment market, tax reform , and the industries our clients operate businesses in.

Tax reform legislation presented a significant opportunity for investors to defer capital gains tax owed. Through the opportunity zone program , investors are able to inject capital into low-income communities.

Opportunity zones reduce capital gains taxes for individuals and businesses who invest in qualified opportunity zones. Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, States, D. Get a free quote on an afforable loan for your small business. Philanthropists: contribute to an organization making a profound difference in the lives, families and communities of hard working entrepreneurs.

Investment in an Opportunity Fund provides temporary deferral from other investments without immediately triggering recognition of those gains. This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to authorize the designation of opportunity zones in low-income communities and to provide tax incentives for investments in the zones, including deferring the recognition of capital gains that are reinvested in the zones. If they invest properly, enterprising taxpayers have a chance to simultaneously reduce current capital gains and defer recognition until Dec.

The recently passed Tax Reform Act included a potential tax break for investors.

Opportunity Zones Investing Defer capital gains tax with Opportunity Zones under the Tax Reform Act. Investors who have capital gains should consider investing in a Qualified Opportunity Fund. While recent guidance by the U. Department of Treasury and the IRS is very helpful to investors, some questions remain.

Check the box Rollover to Qualified Opportunity Fund. Enter the Deferred gain. This should be the amount of gain for which tax will be deferred.

HIGHLIGHTS: A new tax incentive in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act allows investors selling appreciated securities or other investment property to defer tax on those gains to the extent that the proceeds are reinvested in a Qualified Opportunity Fund. How do opportunity zones work, who can claim the incentives, and what projects can they support? Any corporation or individual with capital gains can qualify. Adam Looney looks at whether the designation of opportunity zones in the new tax bill will actually help revitalize areas or just serve as another costly expenditure in state budgets. Investors do not need to live in an opportunity zone to take advantage of the benefits, according to the IRS.

Investors can defer tax on any prior gains until no later than Dec. Accounting Today: Tax Reform Leaves Private Foundations in a Strong Position. To get started you sell highly appreciated assets and invest cash equal to your capital gain into an O- fund.

Reinvest gain into a QOF within 1days. A state’s conformity with the federal opportunity zones provisions is an important factor investors should consider.

Investors in states that do conform with the federal opportunity zones provisions may receive state tax incentives similar to those available at the federal level. Conversely, investors residing in nonconforming states may be unable to defer and reduce state taxation on the. If gains from the sale of “any” property are reinvested into a qualified opportunity fund , those gains, by election, are deferred.

It does not necessarily lose its OZ Fund status. These zones are a core component of the Investing in Opportunity Act, a new program introduced by Senators Tim Scott (R-SC) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) within the tax reform legislation. The upside for Opportunity Fund investors is a deferred and reduced capital gains tax. The win for the urban areas is the added capital flowing through private enterprise within their borders.

This program allows deferral and possible forgiveness of tax on capital gains invested in LICs. The American opportunity credit allows taxpaying students or their parents the opportunity to reduce the cost of attending college. The credit typically offers greater tax savings than a tuition deduction since it reduces the tax you owe on a dollar-for-dollar basis rather than just reducing the amount of income subject to tax.

Deloitte’s TaxFirst webcast series is your go-to source for timely updates on regulatory guidance and tax law reform.

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