Friday, September 30, 2016

Conservative approach

What is conservative therapy? Search conservative approach and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. A company adopting this strategy maintains a higher level of current assets and therefore higher working capital also.

Conservative approach is a risk-free strategy of working capital financing. The major part of the working capital is financed by the long-term sources of funds such as equity, debentures , term loans etc.

As this financing strategy uses long-term funds, it has less risk of a shortage of immediate funds. The epithet conservative or liberal is used to describe political and economic views and affiliations. The meaning of conservative or liberal could be different in different contexts - social, economic and political. They also differ in usage in different countries and over time.

For example, a capital growth strategy seeks to maximize capital appreciation or. All probable losses are recorded when they are discovere while. Some are not so good and even personally demeaning.

Examples of conservative approach in a sentence, how to use it. National conservatism is a political term used primarily in Europe to describe a variant of conservatism which concentrates more on national interests than standard conservatism as well as upholding cultural and ethnic identity, while not being outspokenly nationalist or supporting a far-right approach. Our approach to investment management is conservative. We always err on the side of caution, as opposed to being reactive or aggressive. A moderate approach is a trade-off between an aggressive and a conservative approach.

It has lower reinvestment and interest rate risk compared with an aggressive approach because short-term financing is only used to fund temporary working capital. Paul said the legislation is the conservative solution to replacing Obamacare. Synonyms for conservative at Thesaurus.

Find descriptive alternatives for conservative. A large part of working capital is financed by long-term sources of money such as equity, debenture, term loan, etc. Dunleavy (0) Managing pain in older adults should take a balanced approach , a new commentary advises. This is since the approach uses more of long-term funds such are now more expensive than short-term funds. These funds conversely, are not to be repaid during the year and are hence less risky.

The conservative approach is a low return-low risk approach. The aggressive approach on another hand is a highly risky approach.

In the context of treating back pain, conservative treatment is not the inverse of aggressive treatment. These all properties produced a major shift in the practice of conservative dentistry from “extension for prevention” to maximum conservative approach. Moreover, DGICs made the concept of atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) technique possible and performing art of restorative dentistry without use of any special equipment.

But many of the responses assume that Bret Stephens’ views are the only conservative approach to climate change ― and that’s not true. While Stephens may bemoan “overweening scientism,” there are plenty of conservatives arguing for conservative responses to the threat of climate change. It seeks to lift up the bottom, rather than to bring down the top.

Endocrown: a conservative approach. Why conservative Utah gives away housing. The Answer to Homelessness.

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