Liberals project their own hatred onto conservatives regularly with their rhetoric. She doesn’t support gay marriage? See all full list on thetoptens. Let me give you my own list of why I dislike Republicans. But “forgetting” to tell kids that Republicans fought for.
Just a passionate out cry against the Party of NO!
Many of my political views were challenged during my time in a conservative town, and I was shocked to discover certain aspects of life there. Satirist Ami Horowtiz goes to UC Berkeley and Harlem to find out. Some conservatives have blasted South Park for its mind-boggling vulgarity, even calling it a threat to our youth.
Subscribe to our channel! EDITOR’S NOTE: The more intelligent conservatives must be aware that they serve Israel and Jewish interests — far more than they serve the interests of their own people. When conservatives think about what they most hate about the left, several factors come to mind: their racist appeals, their whining social justice warrior nonsense, their distinct willingness to attack conservative women, their consistent stream of lies, their perversion of buzzwords. Those things do not become good just because a Republican does them.
It seems like they hate anybody who is white, christian, and male.
I hate conservatives. In not here to throw stones from my house of glass. Instea Im curious to hear from the conservative users here what guidelines they might recommend non- conservatives consider when engaging on this forum so it can remain one of the few places on Reddit where politics can be discussed without every thread turning into a vitriolic shit-show. Conservatives seem to think that liberals are ruining this country. They accuse Obama of being a. The Senate, the courts, the Electoral College — all provide conservatives with structural advantages at the expense of the many.
But the Right isn’t content to sit back and cash in on the tilted playing field. Confronted by a potentially hostile environment, the best course is to. And conservatives are not racists.
We should not stand for politicians from either party who insult opponents or question their motives or their patriotism. There are still about half of us that voted for Hillary, that voted against hate. When Republicans get ma they hurt black people, gay people, and Muslims.
It’s an extraordinary difference, and it helps explain why many liberals and conservatives in America think “the other side” is bonkers. Trump, who mocked the. We don’t hate lesbians.
All conservatives ask is to have the freedom to not agree with what liberals believe. Americans should be free to support or not support.
The Liberal Hate for White People Should Cost Them Big at the Ballot Box. Of course, their claim is not true. In a time where people are trying to figure out who’s right and wrong in politics, here’s a book brave enough to say that everyone is wrong. Only the liberal left stand up to Islamophobia How can you be gay and right wing?
The backlash machine has finally backfired with a generation that cringes at old people yelling at. Theof people who hate this country as do the fore mentioned in the article, is a growing cancer this community of. I don't appreciate bias news and media being pushed in my face.
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