What does the tax reform law mean for tax payers? The act lowered federal income tax rates, decreasing the number of tax brackets and reducing the top tax rate from percent to percent. The act also expanded the earned income tax credit, the standard deduction,. Its purpose was to simplify the tax code , broaden the tax base , and eliminate many tax shelters and preferences.
To increase fairness and provide an incentive for growth in the economy, the passage of the Act reduced the maximum rate on ordinary income and raised the tax rate on long-term capital gains. The act either altered or eliminated many deductions , changed the tax rates , and eliminated several special calculations that had been permitted on the basis of marriage or fluctuating income.
Committee on Finance. Reported to Senate by Senator Packwood under the authority of the order of May 2 with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. Laws acquire popular names as they make their way through Congress. It affected every American family, every American business. It significantly reduced taxes for individuals.
It eliminated many tax benefits for special interests. No longer could a wealthy individual escape taxes by buying into a shelter.