Jeb Bush , Chris Christie , John Kasich , and Donald Trump want to cut personal income tax rates down to between and percent while eliminating indefensible loopholes. One common goal of nearly all these plans is to turbo-charge growth by dramatically lowering the business tax rate (now the highest in the world). But there is a plan out there that is far and away better than either Romney’s or Newt’s.
It is called the Fair Tax , which not only does away with federal income taxes entirely, but will ultimately rid us of the IRS. Meaning tax the rich more and more and give the money to the lower class and eventually the money will circulate back up to the wealthy and big businesses.
Everyone, that is, except for the political elite who always want more and more taxes and government. A 5plan allows for tax -advantaged savings for future college costs Can take up to $10a year out of a 5plan to pay for public or private elementary or secondary school. The plan keeps the Alternative Minimum Tax.
It increases the exemption from $53to $73for singles and from $85to $104for joint. The Dems are trying to create a. Obama s plan will raise your taxes if you make over $250K. For $270K, you currently pay about $70in federal taxes.