See all full list on law. The United States Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. About the United States Code. For us , Italians, the tax code ( fiscal code ) is part of our documents. House of Representatives.

It follows us in all the affairs of life (hospital, taxes, purchases, etc.). It is a unique identification number. When a foreigner buys or rents something in Italy we have to ask for this code. The request and its release are completely free. Fiscal Service A-Z Index.
I just used that site to order tickets. I put in my passport number. I suspect they only want a number that can be crosschecked with their records when you go to pick up your ticket. The language code EL according to ISO 639- followed by digits, which equal the Greek taxpayer registration number Α. The last digit is a check digit inherent of the Α. Beware: Due to the great similarity of both numbers - the one being the same number as the other, just having the prefix of EL - in practice sometimes the VAT identification number is wrongly called Α. The Italian fiscal code , officially known in Italy as Codice fiscale , is the tax code in Italy, similar to a Social Security Number (SSN) in the United States or the National Insurance Number issued in the United Kingdom.